Explore Yellow Cat mine area near Thompson Springs and the Litter Box in Floy, Utah.
This dig is free and we will show you where to dig and what you are looking for!
Yellow Cat is known for petrified wood, limb casts, barite pseudomorphs, and more. The Litter Box is full of coprolite, gastroliths, and the occasional dinosaur bone. These locations are both fun to explore and offer a lot of material. Both digging locations are off of Interstate 70 near Green River, Utah. The Yellow Cat dig will happen on Saturday the 5th near Thompson Springs. The Litter Box dig will happen on Sunday the 6th near Floy. These site do not require 4wd but it is preferred; both are on well maintained dirt roads.
Both locations are outside in the sun, so come prepared; sunscreen, proper attire, food, and plenty of water. The closest services are in Green River on Interstate 70. We will be meeting at the Thompson Springs exit on Saturday morning and the Floy exit on Sunday morning and caravan in from there.